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Eleni Ralli



Switzerland - Greece


Eleni Ralli (1984) is a Greek composer and researcher. She received Bachelor and Masters degrees in Composition, Music Theory and Musicology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2013), Basel Music Academy (2016, 2021) and Bern University (2018) and a PhD degree in Composition from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2022). Currently, she is proceeding with her second PhD in Musicology (Bern University). Her research topic is the American composer, Harry Partch (1901-1974). She has presented her ongoing research in festivals such as Fermentationstage Basel (January 2015), International Society for Ekmelic Music “Small is Beautiful” (Salzburg, 2017, 2019, 2021), IGNM Basel (May, 2018) and GMTH (Basel, 2021). Among her papers are: “Harry Partch”, KDG (Komponisten der Gegenwart) Lexicon Article (2021), “Parallelen und Modifikationen der Notation in verschiedenen Quellen von Harry Partchs Seventeen Lyrics by Li Po. Schwierigkeiten und TranskriptionsvorschlĂ€ge”, Der doppelte Po und die Musik. Chinesisch-rĂ€toromanische Studien, besonders zu Li Po, Harry Partch und Chasper Po (2021), “Harry Partch’s Enigmatic Musical Notation”, HKB Zeitung, (2020) and “On the benefit of renotating Harry Partch’s Music for understanding and analyzing his harmonic language”, Microtöne-Microtones: Small is beautiful, Volume II (2019). As a composer, she has won many prices, attended many workshops, seminars, and master classes for contemporary music and in addition, professional ensembles and festivals regularly commission pieces from her . Her works have been performed in Germany, the US, Spain, Ukraine, Switzerland, Greece, Poland, Holland, Israel, Austria, Iran, Argentina, Russia, England, Estonia, Thailand and Italy. Her work GO WITHIN for Tenor Saxophone is released in Don Paul Kahl’s homonymous solo album in 2021. She is a founding member of the Ensemble False Relationships and the Extended Endings, founded in 2019, concentrating on performing contemporary music and located in Germany, Switzerland and France.



For more information and listen to the entire work click on the title.
Not Tonight, Games in the Dark
00:00 / 01:04
Go Within
00:00 / 01:04
5 Mysterious Scenes
00:00 / 01:04
Not Tonight, Games in the Dark
For violin, percussion, piano electronics
Go Within
For solo Saxophone
5 Mysterious Scenes
For violin
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